
I can see a time when cis women are going to be intimidated into not dealing with their issues if it doesn't include trans women. This isn't right or fair. Whatever one says, the biology isn't the same (I think I can generalise) and there will always be a vast amount of things that cis women have to talk about that

I feel like they did this for faab non-binaries and trans men primarily (idk that's just a guess), but trans women who are all "down with vaginas, what about my penis" are also to blame. But it's all shit, imo. Trans men and non-binaries should leave women's colleges. The "neovagina monologues," afaik, actually do

I love how liberals manage to ban artistic expressions that conservatives have been fighting against for years.

Ha, seriously though. I'm saying I haven't been cavalier with my opinions a la "gawker outrage squad" in the past but I like to think I'm sensible enough to see through the BS on this one.

Seriously, his answer with regard to Iggy is perfect. If I have to read about "muh cultural appropriations" one more time, I'm going to rage vomit.

Hopefully the coach will be a little more specific in the future when he calls for the runs.

Well, it was a little intense I guess. I probably feel a little intense myself because this is just a shitshow all around, no? But a first response of denial from the parents is on par, for me, with 'fuck them kill them with fire' from someone shocked by their attitude and unwillingness, even in death, to respect her