Jeff Scott

I see the potential in this show. Though the season premiere was a bit slow, I like that they are not rushing to ruin. There is a natural tension in the banality of day to day life represented: because we know something the characters dont: that life as they know it is about to end.

Right, me too. For legal advice though, Bishop has that Lester guy for his illegal stuff, right? By the way, picked up a new, chilling line I overlooked first time I watched. Sophia says to Kalinda: "Your friend Cary? He's guilty. They have a recording." Holds up her phone.

Many assume Cary must be innocent and he's getting screwed. Don’t take that for granted. Finn is bringing the charges, and he has something no one else (not me, not you, none of the characters) has seen: the evidence. Finn is an honest guy, sister or no sister. He wouldn’t request bail at 1.3 million without a

The Ice King and Marceline have a complex and nuanced relationship, for one example. Lots of well-rounded characters if you know what to look for. It's true that the show is not arc driven in the sense that an adult drama is arc driven. Some episodes are just episodes—you could fairly call some of them filler, but

That's not in poor taste at all. Pretty accurate if you ask me.

Interesting question! I don't think so though. I think Diane fired her because she was infuriated with such a melodramatic display when she and Will were SO, SO close for so long. It disgusted Diane because she was being immature about making a big scene.

Alicia has regrets. I think she is dealing with some guilt about leaving the firm and she can't make it right. I think that's partly why we saw the flashback of Will hiring her the episode before he died.

That was a fascinating scene. Did anyone else get the sense that the roles were reversed a bit—that Grace was acting more like the mother speaking as if to her child?

I think Alicia is feeling completely adrift right now, shell shocked and a little emotionally oblivious because she is so consumed with trying to wrap her head around it.

I loved this episode, but I'm glad they still have 6 more this season because there is still a lot to learn about what actually happened during the shooting and it will take time for all of the emotional angles to unravel. This was a satisfying follow up, but we have only just scratched the surface of the grieving

LOVED David Lee in this episode. He's actually human—who would have guessed?

I think that was kind of the point. If you recall, when Eli got the call a standup comedian was making pot jokes. They are really going for that juxtaposition. I think Eli' s thinking was "the show must go on" and that is forgivable to me. The only person there really close to Will was Alicia, so I can forgive Eli