
Steve "Honey Badger" Jobs, did not give a fuck!!

Earwigs... I hate earwigs. Even their name makes me think, as you say, of them in my brain.

I think the deleting every third paragraph is as much as anything forcing you to be concise without a lot of superfluous information. As Thomas Jefferson is quoted "Had I but more time, I would have written less" and Mark Twain "If I had more time I would have written less." Take the time to get rid of the clutter.

Would like to know signal strength info. My iPhone 4 sounds way better than my friends droid3, and my brothers thunderbolt. I often have them repeat themselves, even if I am on a land line. But calls to a landline from my at&t iphone 4 sound crystal clear, to me and to them. Might be regional too.

Not calling you wrong, just one more report...... your test: 3650...... 5307. (AT&T iPhone 4, Omaha NE.)

Iphone 4 BTW

I get 3650 on this test, but on the app, I get 5307. (1680ul) AT&T iPhone 4 btw.

Wow, no idea where you're at, but here in omaha I get over 5Mbps down, and 1.something up, on an iphone 4

Has to be Majel Roddenberry. Provided it's good enough to be worthy of her voice.

English, German, or french. No Russian, yet. Should be soon though.

Clearing a bong.

"Siri, set a reminder for 1 day before applecare+ ends to break you."

I have about 12 bitcoins, and have only been doing it a couple months or so. You don't use a CPU, you use a GPU, which is very easy to set up. All you have to do is run a program, it's literally that simple. No more difficult that running on a CPU, except that it's useless to run a cpu.


Like many, I had kept both after the price increase, but now I'll dump the disk. We don't pay for cable/disk and the streaming is a great way to entertain our kid (not as a babysitter). I don't use the disk service enough to justify the cost plus the added inconvenience of the new system. Goodbye Qwikster, I hardly

What is that from?

Heck Jerry Baker has been telling us this for years

My biggest tip, check your spelling, check your spelling and then ask a friend to check your spelling. Don't just rely on spell check. I mentioned a few days ago that I have put a lot of resumes in the trash because of spelling errors.

I've trashed many a resume with spelling mistakes. If you don't have the time to sell yourself to me, you don't have time to work for me.