Commandments Pack: "Pay $35 to unlock all the commandments"
Commandments Pack: "Pay $35 to unlock all the commandments"
Keep cheating on Steam....And "Lord GabeN" will keep delaying Half-Life 3 lol For each "Gem bag" you all exploited, HL3 got delayed one more year. lol
BOTH TES VI and Fallout 4 will come first...From what i've read, they do this on their free time, so it will take a lot of time. Its the only way for me to get back to Skyrim, after having to install hundreds of mods and then format my computer, i lost all my courage to do it again :(
That's why i fear them releasing the next Fallout on a buggy engine....The game (Both Fallout and TES) has potential to be a groundbreaking RPG. They already are "genre defining" but they have much more potential that are limited to the engine.
[***SPOILER ALERT!***] Probably the only thing linking the first game to the rest of the series will be the Wild Hunt encounter on the final chapter of the game....
I don't know... could be possible, since its pretty much what ms. Beth is doing with Fallout all this time lol
I don't know if Beth will change the engine...My fear is that they make Fallout 4 as a "Skyrim with post-apocalyptic skin"
yeah i know. I've seem a lot of people debating over this matter, it doesn't really surprises me and the only real good thing out of the show was the "world premieres" (a.k.a Zelda Wii U)
Bought the game only to install mods untill the game crashed... 7.8/10 - "too much mods"
The "problem" with L.A Noire (For me at least) was that only the faces were higly detaled, the rest of the body looked out of "harmony" to the faces...It was weird to see realistic faces and poligonal, regular video-game bodies and enviroment. But it was great nonetheless.
Or the psy-zombies hitting you from far away....
I don't know, but Destiny is probably the biggest letdown for me this year....Even worst than Watch Dogs (I could argue about that, but they are pretty close).
Project Cars is getting pretty close to a believable weather system.....
That is what most RPGs nowadays are lacking....The quest giver gives you the mission with some hints of what you have to do, and the rest is up to you, like the first two Fallout games...It would make the game last longer and give the satisfaction of discovering and making you explore more the map.
Thaks for the laughs.....
The very first Zelda, if i remember correctly, didn't had this kind of guidance....I remember playing it on the Virtual Console on Wii (Or it was 3ds?) and it was easily to enter a dungeon where i didn't had the proper equipment to go on.....
I hope that they come back to the old formula of exploration focused game...I mean, you get a mission where they say to you to go to X point, but then you need to figure it out where is this place rather than having a spot on the map to guide you.
why should Square make a FF 7 remake? Keep farming it, release some cool Playarts Kai figures and its fine lol
This man knows how to deal with nostalgia....i like him.
Which is "sad", since some of them act like they are fighting for "ethical journalism"