.... why not make it out of polycarbonate... or some other clear, strong material...
.... why not make it out of polycarbonate... or some other clear, strong material...
Sledgehammer made MW3, it was their “we bought you, now prove your value” project as dictated by Activision.
For all the people whining about this, let me let you in on a little bit of info: Modern Warfare 3 reused almost a huge portion the environment, fx, and many other assets from MW2.
Would be even better if they had a set of x’ed out pistons next to the gas cans for a little variety.
Definitely saved the best for last.
I have to admit I’m a little surprised at the lack of a gearbox, Morgan’s always seemed to present the idea that if they did an electric car, it would still have a gearbox to maintain the fun of driving. I guess that’s more for their 4-wheelers?
Well, I think I’ve found the “silver” for the silver and black color scheme I’m planning for my project Morgan...
Someone’s bitter they can’t afford the tires...
Take it easy driving– the life you save may be mine.
The only thing I used Waze for was cop-spotting, and it was inconsistent at best. Combine that with a UI that I still feel distracts the driver far too much, and I’ve stuck with Google Maps and a Valentine1.
What’s hilarious is watching the opposing team’s players on the sidelines as the shot goes through the net. It’s like a group head-turn back to Curry with this unified “wtf, maaaaaan” look.
don’t give a rip about lane-games like DoTA, and have a hard time enjoying watching FPS games ‘over the shoulder’ of someone else. Are there any ‘world championship / esports’ contests for the likes of Forza or Gran Turismo?
Would be awesome to have one done up with all the extra notes and details on it. I’d print it out like a ‘memento’ of playing through the game.
I’m not even watching the trailer, I’m watching the front wheels. That’s some impressive “look one way, turn the other” motor control.
Five years? Five fucking years? This scumbag sack of excrement sought to remove gun ownership from the law abiding public while selling guns to criminals, and he got five years?
Everything after the convertible arrived on the scene means nothing to me for this car. They got rid of the ‘big slab’ and just diluted the hell out of a awesome design.
Awesome to see MAGFest showing up on Kotaku. One of my buddies is one of the organizers, and they pour a shit-ton of effort into making it a badass event. Really hoping they’ll be able to get a MAGWest up in Silicon Valley in the near future, cause I can’t seem to find the time to travel out there every time MAGFest…
Wow, that front end is just hideous.... I feel like I should be quoting Weasel when he first gets a look at Deadpool’s ugly mug.