
So many 90's Acuras yet not a single fart can? Amazing!

Why am I still in the grays!?

Poor guy. Finishing before the event got started. Reminds me of high school...

Another 4 years... Same story.

Well said!

The little Willys MB is so much more logical than using a Humvee to transport people around base or non combat zone.

What? More info! Shot with what that the bullets bounced off?

What, no suicide doors? Seems to me it would add both style and functionality with bullet proof doors that open to the front and rear.

Please go back to The Slot.

And it is quality work, not a piece of duct tape showing.

If only it was green with one real wheel. That would be one sexy tadpole.

Anyone should be know by looking at the Middle East that bullets are for surgical strikes while explosives are for mass murder.

I believe the idiot status would depend on the car in question.

Very true!!!

Yup, not hard to do. Put it back on for better MPG.

Sorry no. However, If it is not a Wrangler it is not a Wrangler.