
Kill it with fire!

Bonus fact: Han Blix is from the same galaxy as Shmi Skywalker.

Another thing that was made obvious is that Donald Trump isn’t running for president, Vladimir Putin is.


There is a point to their names. Shepard was a tribute to Alan Shepard, the first American in space. Ryder is a tribute to Sally Ride, the first American woman in space.

Because the Confederate flag is obviously the best cure for Zika.

In other words, only rich white people are welcome in Trump’s USA.

You get a wall! You get a wall! Everybody gets a wall!

This is awesome. Excellent work by everyone involved.

Meanwhile, Ryan Lochte, who committed a crime and lied to the police, is invited to Dancing with the Stars.

As someone on Twitter pointed out, Hope Solo gets banned for half a year. Ryan Lochte gets invited to Dancing with the Stars.

Let the catfight ensue.

Chairman Meow approves.

I miss my Mabari from the first game.

Of course Gandalf doesn’t do weddings. There are rings involved.

Thing is, game companies want to create hype because hype sells more games.

Blizzard should make an Overwatch.

First they do this, then they’ll say that female superheroes don’t sell.