
What makes you think they aren’t dealing with it?

Do they have a trench and an exhaust port?

Galactic war never changes.

Watch out for paper cuts.

An interesting take on a global pandemic is the movie Contagion. Granted, it is not bioterrorism, but it’s effects are similar.


I pray to RNGesus.

Next, they’ll be taking a swing at the axe combat.

One of many epic Bioware moments.

So that’s were the Ark of the Covenant is.

I expect this will be followed by a xenomorphic phase.

Reminds me of Mechwarrior.

Looks like somebody needs to make a call.

Even after the software upgrade, I still think her AI is a bit wonky.

Not funny, dude.

I think the charge is too high.

Me too. Why can’t people understand that this planet is the only home we’ve ever known? Why aren’t we taking care of it?

In Splatoon, you dye.