
I have a feeling there will be lots of lines.

The big news in Sweden today is that Taylor Swift and Avicii are in fact siblings.

Sir, what you have there is what we refer to as a focused, non-terminal, repeating phantasm, or a Class Five full roaming vapor. Real nasty one, too!

I feel like this will be the male equivalent of Christmas Jones, nuclear phycisist.

Someone watched too much Total Recall.

Bloodfeud? I suggest pistols at dawn.

Some men just want to watch the world burn.

So, Facebook has finally recognized Poe's law.

Well, with the DeLorean, you can always go back to things before they were cool.

It's the new finned version.

That new Mars rover need to find those prothean ruins so we can get going.


Well, most women I know do like the vibrate setting.

Me, I'm voting for Selfone.

Bonus mouse droid!

I tip my hat to you sir. You are awesome.

Sure, but there are a lot of unskilled hunters wounding animals also.