Thanks for this post. You've already given me this information which helped me since I was honestly confused previously. I'm glad to see this made into a full article to help others. ^_^
Thanks for this post. You've already given me this information which helped me since I was honestly confused previously. I'm glad to see this made into a full article to help others. ^_^
I've been married to my wife now for 2 years, and we've been together for 10. In that time I have never reached orgasm except by myself. There are things we are working through regarding sex, but both of us are capable of taking care of ourselves and we're both happy. Are we working on making sure that we both get off…
I tend to read the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings, the Belgariad and the Malloreon, the Elenium and the Tamuli, and the Riftwar Saga. I do this every five or six years (since I was 10 or so), occasionally something that I'll reread that way come into my life, the newest two added are the Dresden novels, and the Kris…
This is something of a midstream change that I'm feeling is more and more important to make. I need to find something new to do after 15+ years in my current field, which often involves changing projects or changing employers as contracts end or even just finding that the job I've been doing is completely different 6…
Oh I know, I've been looking for a Library Tech position so that I could work in the field while working on a degree in Library Sciences. I haven't been able to find one and I wish I had better luck.
Wow there's a lot of hate in the room. Breath deep and remember, a joke is as funny as your audience finds it. I do not think she'd give this to any of you who have gotten condescending and indignant over a teen doing something snarky. Teen's think snarky things, teens with awesome families get to actually say these…
Red Faction was awesome for being able to get at the enemy by smashing through walls or stealth or any number of ways.
Just one more reason for me to become a librarian.
It isn't that he isn't turned on. He actively went looking into the community, then it seems was less than impressed. Then made comments that make it seems he feels everyone involved was some how dirty and he needed to protect his family from contamination.
You'd think, but I haven't been able to donate blood (I'm O+) since the first time I acknowledged being bi openly. That's a lot of years of no blood in a needed (but not the most needed) blood type. A majority of people are RH+ so I can donate blood to a vast majority of people. Only I'm not hetro so my blood was…
Because stuffing kids into small spaces is fun for the whole family. Or that's what I remember of my childhood/teen years and getting into teenagers cars?
I don't know if you went for the pun... but I give you the points anyway.
+1 Internets.
But everyone needs an Ice Louge.. how else are you going to super chill your vodka shots?
Certainly, I just meant that this reeks (pun intended) of pulling data out of your ass.
All I get out of this is Jerkin' the Gherkin ~= Marriage for men... and who cares about why women get married.
I seriously wish there were methods other than just vasectomy for men. I do see every few years a 'possible new male birth control' but the rigor and earnestness (one might say overzealous-ness) that lead to the modern female pill seems lacking. We have how many different ways to moderate or eliminate reproduction in…
I agree with you, I'm pointing out where a first time author would have flaws. If she wrote another series, or started another story in the same world with new characters, I would hope she'd be more forward in having LGBT+ characters. Harry Potter was her first series and that is where you are most likely to see such…
Given that Steam has published and sold games that have as much content that someone might find objectionable. I don't think 'they're being pressured to censure this' floats on this one. It's possible, but I think this is a panic reaction that was then reversed.