Bob Loblaw Lobs Law Bomb

It's an Albany expression.

In a world where same-sex marriage is legal in all 50 states, a story about two dudes living together and raising a little girl does seem much less transgressive.

Sheldon Adelson is already attached to play Baron Harkonnen.

Well, I don't think that Paul will be putting his hand in that nun's box of terrors!

I hope they stay true to the book and keep all the parts about how the water belongs to the tribe.

Maybe. I'm not going to pretend like I'm an expert on the DNC's bylaws or what it has the power to do organizationally for candidate recruitment at that level, but I'm skeptical that it would have had much power against the Clinton juggernaut even it it wanted to. That might be a problem in and of itself, but again,

I dunno; the DNC didn't encourage people to run, but I don't think that it's thumb was that heavy on the scale.

Now I'll have something dignified that I can put pappy's urn on that won't scratch the mantle.

But glasses!

Same shit, different day.

If it helps (or discourages), The Gunslinger is stylistically almost nothing like any of the other books. The Gunslinger reads like SK was trying to be more of a literary writer; the other 6 books are more standard King.

I've re-read a bunch of King over the past year. "Not as good as I remember to be honest" kind of sums up the whole endeavor, really.

They should just set the movie in 1942, let Indy fight Nazis, and pretend that, although Harrison Ford is 30 years old, Indy hasn't aged a day.

Ha, jokes on them, because I've already just cut the cords off a pair of iPhone earbuds, so I'm good.

Thus fulfilling Walt's original dream of owning a bunch of properties that people like.

Well, there's no way this could end badly!

No John Roberts or Samuel Alito on the Supreme Court, and thus no Citizens United.

It is seriously under-appreciated how scandal-free the Obama administration has been, especially with the opposition party controlling the House for 6 of 8 years and investigating every single fart-bubble that percolates out of the right-wing fever swamp.

Not only does it have to be approved by the FTC and DOJ, it needs to be approved by both company's shareholders.

I read someone hypothesize that giving it to Dylan—the first American in decades—was basically the Nobel committee giving the finger to American literature. As in, "Oh, you think you're good, Thomas Pynchon and Don DeLillo? You're not even as good as this pop singer."