Bob Loblaw Lobs Law Bomb

I think it was Spike TV's awards show. There's an excerpt of it on the Fight Club Blu-ray; Gibson inducted Fight Club into the "Guy Movie Hall of Fame," and Brad Pitt said "Thanks, Sugartits."

"Jotunheims are responsible for all the wars in the world."

Winona Forever

I like Gilliam, but let's be honest: Investing money in this film is only slightly less risky that sending it to Jeb! Bush 2016.

I don't buy the revisionist reading either, and I say that as an unabashed lover of the film. I don't think that the movie doesn't acknowledge that Ben's a jerk, but the movie plays that as an understandable outgrowth the place that he's in in his life.

Brett Rattner and the AV Club are clearly due a cut of any purchases.

I didn't realize that the pic at the top was a composite of two different pictures, and thought that Arsenio had lost his left hand.

Job Offer for the Vampire*

Nowhere, 'cause you shoulda copyrighted it! Which I have now done, and am now getting all the royalties. Sucker!

Me too. Slightly.

The very first DVDs did have two technical disadvantages vs. Laserdiscs: 1) Laserdisc had uncompressed digital audio (and also DTS on certain titles if you had the gear); and 2) LDs had analog picture that didn't rely on the often shoddy early MPEG-2 encodes.

Star Trek Four Money

Say it again!

Brief law-talking guy response: Trademarks are protected based on their "distinctiveness." So if you invent a trademark like "Coca-Cola," you can get it protected on just about anything. But if you take a common word like "Monster," you can only get protection on the specific product where you use it first, and

Start working on your Hillary Clinton impression, Cecily Strong!

I'm still waiting on all of the ladies in my neighborhood to get together with me for poker night.

Should Mon Mothma's wife be chopping down evergreens in the Pacific Northwest?

Wait, there was a Juhani romance sub-plot in KotR? Where has this knowledge been all my life?

But it made more overseas than domestic and came out in the black. I've heard some industry guys who think that movies like this are the future because since they only have to do 3 days of work, you can get a ton of stars to be in them. Of course, when you start paying them $3 million each, that kind of defeats the

HSN could probably give itself away for free. I don't know what the business model is, but I doubt they are charging cable carriers much if anything to be in the lineup, since HSN is making money through direct sales.