Bob Loblaw Lobs Law Bomb

FILED UNDER: … Swearin'

Well, the National Archives got the Declaration of Independence back from Nic Cage safe and sound, so there's precedent.


You're right about this.

A generic storm trooper captain.

And a bikini!

Well, I'd put it on the more difficult end of Godard in the 60s, but, yeah, it is very funny. I was also trying to make the list somewhat chronological, and I always think of "Weekend" as the culmination of the New Wave, before it became something different than what it was in 1960.

"Health appliances"? What, like colostomy bags and insulin pumps?

Suggestions of generally canonical New Wave films, in general order of "difficulty":

I, too, have never accepted an offer to produce a Red Hot Chili Peppers album.

I've seen this. My favorite part was when the paint dried.

The phrase is "Simpsons Christmas Boogie."

In most species, on the legs and arms, respectively.

Tits are just a division — they're two divisions.

Wait, I thought there already was a Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales?

I believe the crossgaurd portion is there because Kylo didn't have the skills to make a proper lightsaber — the blade can't focus right either — so the crossguard is really more of an exhaust vent.

Well, as long as we're being technical, I'm pretty sure Bob died several years ago, so he's not walking anywhere.

I heard that Jr.'s also been ripping off the fuckin' kids while they be paying their hard earned money to read about the bands they want to know about by printing lies and starting controversy.

Most times you'd be correct in guessing that civil rights advances occurred much later in history than you'd think they should have.

And on to the set of Caligula.