
Yup. And bullies can and do use this against their victims. It’s the victim’s fault for feeling bad, because they should have full control over their emotions, like a robot.

Yeah, this is a really privileged, I-got-mine kind of take. This just lets hateful people who are actively trying to cause you harm/pain/grief off the hook for their actions and changes nothing.

Totally, because the reason I can’t afford my medical bills is because I ordered a latte from Starbucks once.

“Poor people are exactly the people who need money”.

You’ll probably get a lot of responses saying “It’s not that hard, just eat out less!” or “give up your daily cup of Starbucks and put it in savings!”

This article misses the point

The reason American workers don’t save isn’t because they don’t have special accounts to save in

The reason American workers don’t save is BECAUSE THEY DON’T MAKE ENOUGH MONEY TO SAVE

$10 a month for almost anything I can think of vs. $10 for a single new album? I know what I prefer.

Simple: If you can’t find lube he’s cheating on you - nothings going up there without a bit of help.

she must prefer the slow pain of being bored to death

I think that sweet, slow sex is pathetic and boring. I wanna get fucked and spanked. Whatever toots your horn. Don’t shame the game.

I dunno, I think in the brains department, your friend and his girl were pretty evenly matched...

I can’t believe this comment section. Yeah, if the guy dumped his cheating wife I don’t think she would’ve blamed him, but if you pretend to forgive a cheating SO and then resent them for it for the next ten fucking years I don’t think the cheater’s entirely the villain anymore.

came here to post Hijikata, am not disappoint 

I'm glad this is not an episode of ST:TNG because Q would put all of humanity on trial due to your simple mind. His disdain for humans stems from their inability to think abstractly. I believe he'd say it's natural your puny mind could only come up with this puny answer. You can't conceive of anything beyond your

You chose to be the asshole that cheated rather than dealing with his relationship issues head on by either speaking to his partner or BREAKING UP WITH HER. You had options, you chose to take the cowardly, selfish way. Don't pretend like anything you're doing now is for the benefit of your committed partner. It's not.

"I'm now sleeping with someone else while I try and figure out how to break off a very long term relationship over distance."

The fact remains that a colossal amount of reduced sexuality in a relationship comes from getting your needs met elsewhere.

Not all women like oral sex. I fucking hate it. If some dude did this to me they'd probably get kicked right in the face.

Am I the only person who doesn't want to whip out the "yeah you didn't make me come" card after the first time? And suddenly she's being demonized for lying to him from the first time they had sex? WTF? A LOT of women lie about coming during sex, partially to protect themselves and partially to protect their partner,

ah yes the infallible "don't complain about how it is because that is how it will always be" argument. hmmm. good shit. good shit over here that isn't dumb and blaming her at all for being uh a customer, at a place, with products