I remember him as the voice of Benjamin Katz from "Dr. Katz: professional therapist". Hilarious!
I remember him as the voice of Benjamin Katz from "Dr. Katz: professional therapist". Hilarious!
Wow, mental much? Obviously I'm referring to bars where those under 21 are allowed in (bar restaurants, pubs, etc.). Of course, in your righteous indignation, you failed to mention exactly what the hell is wrong with taking a baby to a bar (assuming of course the parent doesn't get drunk or give booze to their child,…
Except that Comedy Central actually manages to have relevant commentary on its "news" programs
So it's inappropriate because you say it is? I see, and what "magical club" are you in that you get to decide what is right for other people (and their kids)?
Oh please, really? First off, I was replying to Jaytee's specific brand of, err let's say insensitivity. And yes, obviously, no one can know whose problems are worse and therefore more drown-them-in-booze-worthy. But parents know what a hard day was like when childfree, vs. one after having children — unsurprisingly,…
wait a minute, don't ya'll usually get 1 year of paid leave or something for birth of a child? Does any Canadian really try to go back to work w/in 6 weeks of popping out a kid?
"So don't have them."
Oh I see... yeah, most babies could scarcely pass for a 21-year old — would have to be a very convincing fake! Maybe cuz I never get ID'd anymore I wasn't focusing on that distinction. Anyway, cheers!
If said places were *exclusively* for adults, who are the high chairs/booster seats for — drunk midgets? Go out as early as you want, but know you may encounter a child *gasp*
No more than anyone *needs* to go to a bar, I suppose but they have a nice, dim ambiance (great for sleeping babies!), free popcorn and yummy pub fries. Also, I have frequent flyer points at my local watering hole, ya know, from my CF days. So I'm gonna cash those chips in now, thanks!
Yeah, can and sometimes do, but sometimes I feel like saving $40. Ya know, kids are 'spensive enough as it is.
Wow, is that really a problem, or do you just do a lot of day-drinking?
Actually, it does mean that — unless it is one of those places that specifically doesn't allow kids. DEAL with it!
I would think pretty well, after all that practice I gave him while breastfeeding :-P
Ok, how about this dilemma...
Does the establishment have high chairs?
Bleh, whatever. So don't ever take your future non-existent kids to a bar/pub/place with adult beverages. Your "rule" ain't stopping me, pal! Parents still need to eat, like to have someone else make and clean up after a meal for a change, and need a drink WAY more than you do. Want to avoid kids? Go out after 8pm,…
Because.... why? Presuming the baby and adults can conform to the behavior expected of a public place (which is true anyhow), and it has a separate sit-down booth/table area stocked with high chairs.... WHY NOT? Parents have to eat, too, and enjoy occasionally NOT having to prep and clean up after meals (I'd say t…
"Unless there was some medical reason she couldn't show up in court".... Yes, that would be the fact that she is recovery from squeezing out a human mere weeks ago. That is why post-partum weeks are considered medical disability in most reasonably jurisdictions, and under FMLA (if eligible), this period is 6 weeks…
actually most in U.S. get 6 weeks unpaid, unless their state mandates (or employer voluntarily provides more).