Mr. Horsepower


Thank god he is getting rid of one of "those" Maseratis.

Oh, innocent little Americans, living in their safe little bubble protected from the outrageous VAT, excise, vehicle, and luxury taxes that the rest of the world has to suffer with....

This poor Audi got the treatment too.

I see what you did there...

"Left 5 over crest, caution, tightens into Reliant Robin!"

#rallytakeover peeps, you know who you are.

hahaha holy shit well played. I couldn't believe what I was reading when I saw that.

There's a lot of water on the track, and a GT40 isn't exactly famous for being easy to drive.

I think it is more a product of possibly period correct race tires, bumpy-wet track conditions, mid-engine RWD, and the only computer being the one directly behind the driver's eyeball. I think driving a 1960's vintage car at speed is simply this hairy...

"Obviously in an older car, one with lots of power and no electronics, this becomes even more exaggerated because you don't know WHAT the car is doing at any second."

Now playing

Oh and then there are the brakes on the Volvo trucks.

she crashed 1/2 second after turning her wipers on.

Why did you turn?