
There’s also the very strange question of, like...we’re worried about dudes dressing up as women and going into the women’s room so we’re going to solve that by making sure...transmen have to go into the women’s room? Wouldn’t that make it EASIER for guys to sneak in? I mean, there’s no pants check at the movie

Plus I’m pretty sure Denny Hastert didn’t dress up in women’s clothing when he hurt children.

I guess what you’re missing is why she wanted off the show in the first place.

Just when you think politics can’t get any dirtier...bam, attack ads on constituents.

Superpacs proving over and over again how much money dirties politics. And this takes the cake for bottom of the barrel low. It also proves how scared they are the people doing the same. That’s right folks, call out your elected representative in public and you’ll be attacked and vilified by their people with money to

Like, yes, I want him to have a public shaming and to be confronted with his own hypocrisy.

I’m pretty certain God’s plan didn’t involve hoarding gold either, but the church seems to be super OK over that.

Meanwhile so many gay couples continue to open up their homes to kids without families (when we let them). But that is apparently not god’s plan for marriage and family.

“Fuck. So close.”

When I first asked my boyfriend if he could bring me tampons from the store... he looked uncomfortable. I simply said: “Oh no, people might think you have a girlfriend if they see you buying tampons.” And that was pretty much the end of it.

Where’s the part where they didn’t know their period was coming and somebody looked at them funny at a meeting and they fought back tears for the rest of the day and felt like they had gone insane until the blood came the following morning?

Period blood is only part of the whole period experience. Were they forced to use stool softeners to get period shits? What about a cramp machine? What about having to pass blood clots?

My wife and I, lacking the requisite genetic materials as it were, spent a bunch of money to get pregnant. When the little plus sign appeared in the window we had already spent more than $5K getting the deed done, and the Mrs. was 39 years old. When she and I went to the first OB appointment and the first ultrasound

“mistake in judgment”

“will be the most difficult day in Mr. Hastert’s life.”

Imagine what we did not see before camera phones!! Just imagine... :(

You know, I wish these asshat conservative, religious men (especially) would stop with the “woman must be in a prison of guilt and shame” after an abortion because we are all just meek little girls who don’t understand anything. Why doesn’t he just give women a pat on the head and a glass of water and tell us that

Gee thanks male who’s probably never even had sex for reminding everyone about the psychology of women who have had abortions according to your vast experience.

I’m biased as a Clinton supporter but I have tried to remain open minded about Sanders. I am not a die hard Hilary fan and did not vote for her in 2008.