
And we are already off to a FLYING start.

I hate April Fools almost as much as I hate people who think their April Fools is funny.

Once, when I asked for a glass of wine on the plane, the flight attendant asked, “Would you like for me to bring you two?” God, was it that obvious?

I thought it was “I wish I had her confidence.” That is the shittiest, most backhanded “compliment” ever.

Don’t forget that only yesterday, Trump said about 12 times how unfair it was that this battery charge might destroy this good man’s life. You know, the one who still has a job and wasn’t run out of his apartment.

She also remained unconscious for 3 hours at the hospital. I don’t know about you, but I am going to take the word of trained medical professionals over some 20 year old college kid as to whether someone was unconscious.

Another female journalist threatened with death...What country is this? For being terrified of Muslims these people sure want to turn america into Iran.

He’s the one with he promising future.

A guy raping an unconscious woman in the middle of the goddamn street with witnesses and they still have the gall to try and say it was consensual?

They never mention the once promising future of the victim who is now saddled with the trauma of rape.

Right?! Where’s the piece about this guy? That’s who I’d want to read about.

Turner said he recalled the man asking, “Do you think this is OK?”

So, the girl was unconscious when the police and ambulance crew found her, she testified that she was unconscious and remembered nothing, and the two guys who helped the girl (And who should be profiled as the kind of people who heroically intervened in a rape. That’s the psychology I want to know about. The person

Peter Jonnson does. Apparently enough to chase down and subdue a “promising” athlete. Somebody make him head of the Dept of Justice or something

I love the phrase, “Suddenly he was accused of rape.” Like he’s just wandering along the campus footpaths, on a bright and sunshiny day in a crowd of his fellow students, when all of a sudden—

“Suddenly accused of rape.”

If only black victims of police violence would get such treatment from America's hallowed rags.

It’s almost like people don’t give a shit about rape victims

Here’s the plot twist, though. The kid they were trying to poison is actually the evil one. They were just doing their part to keep everyone else safe.

Trump just loudly and openly says all the stuff the GOP has been quietly insinuating for years. That anyone is surprised by any of this is bizarre to me.