
I liked the movie, but all I could think about when I was watching it was A Beautiful Mind. The subject matter is different but it felt like both movies were made the same way if that makes sense? Basically a by-the-book Oscar bait movie.

Same here. The only movie I’ve seen in the theatre this year is The Martian, and that’s because it’s a movie that I knew would be worth watching on the big screen. I will admit the kicker for me was that Chiwetel Ejiofor is in it. I’ll watch anything with him.

Thank you! Two Steve Job movies in 3 years is ridiculous. I’ve been waiting my whole life on a movie about my first hero Harriet Tubman. (FYI, I’m talking about major picture release. I did hear about HBO doing a movie about her so I’m excited about that!)

What makes their anger even more puzzling is that snowflakes, etc. have nothing at all to do with the Christian-meaning of Christmas, sooooo they are really angry over nothing. If anything, they should be angry at all of the commercialization of Christmas.

Thank you for the link! I meant to watch just the end to see the mermaid turn into sea foam, but I ended up watching the whole thing. I really liked it!

Aaaaand that’s a wrap, folks!

Ok. These pics kill me every time I see them. Where are they from?

Totally. The photo of the little black boy touching Obama’s hair will probably always be one of my favorite photos of all time. I actually teared up when I saw the photo and heard about the story.

My mom teaches high school and she has to deal with students and their cell phones all the time. If a warning doesn’t work, all she does is take the phone and the student can pick it up at the end of the day.

At the rate we’re going I say 15 years, and I’m being half way serious.

Confession: I hate cheese. All different kinds of cheese. I’m not even a fan of pizza because of cheese. The only time I’ll eat cheese is the sharp cheddar cheese in macaroni and cheese. When people ask why I don’t eat cheese sometimes I say I’m lactose intolerant to avoid the shocked faces and the fainting.

This is my worst nightmare when it comes to having children. I was just like your child when I was a baby. Extremely colicky compounded by a severe milk allergy. My parents also took me on car rides to get me to sleep. You know the saying “wait until you have children. I hope they are just like you”? That’s exactly

I was introduced to him on the House of Cards. Rarely has a character’s demise affected me as his did. Awesome actor.

Totally. This reminds me of that crazy couple from like 5-8 years ago that tricked the entire country into thinking that their son was stuck in a balloon/plane (?) and was floating in the air and had tons of emergency crews trying to save him. I remember how mad I was when we learned it was a prank. At least they went

You know I thought Aloha couldn’t be as bad as people said. I got it at Redbox since I’ll watch almost anything for $1.50 and....everyone was right. That movie is SO bad. SOOOO bad.

The only movie I ever walked out of was Knocked Up. I didn’t know about Judd Apatow or I wouldn’t have gone. I’m not a fan of gross and/or stupid comedy movies at all. Knocked Up isn’t as bad as his others, but the first 20 minutes was awful IMO. It was also a mistake to go with my very conservative friend. If I was

There was that American guy a few weeks ago who illegally entered Australia after his visa was revoked because of some anti-choice rhetoric.

There’s still time but it would have been nice to hear about real reforms to police practices and police brutality. I also wanted to hear about women’s healthcare and abortion rights.

True that this religious right party would have eventually become what it is now, especially with a Black president. But, McCain (a senator who was highly respected across both aisles) put a national spotlight on this looney tunes fringe with Sarah Palin. He helped to legitimize that faction.

YES. A few years ago I attended a lecture of a doctor who has made major breakthroughs with ALS using stem cells where patients have actually seen slight improvements in their disease. You can get stem cells from adult tissue but it’s extremely difficult, while fetal tissue is full of stem cells. Just the thought that