Jean Lafitte The Second

Basil instead of cilantro? You monster!

Maybe I’m not understanding your comment. But, you do see the hypocrisy in them using private email accounts right?

Hey .. no .. no .. no .. you just can’t leave it like that .. post the recipe

My favorite guac recipe uses rotten yellow squash. Delectable.

I’d say feed it to cows but then what will we do with all the Skittles that aren’t good looking enough to sell?

Then what are they gonna use all that left over corn for? Food??

Yeah, that electoral college is shit, ain’t it?

Ssshhh. His “alternative facts” say otherwise, doncha know?

Protesting and resistance WILL affect this man like no other President. If Pence were in charge he would just shake his head with a fake smile and go back to imposing the Dark Ages on America.

We did vote. The majority of voters didn’t want him.

No, a tiny percentage had weld problems, but when you are talking about hundred of thousands of batteries, it was still more than and acceptable number.

But a lot of them don’t have dicks.

They’re being jerkyed, no doubt.

Wait, where was the biker “wall of meat” to protect him? Did they get lost?

So proud of D.C. Right now. I’ve seen some pics and there is nooooooobody out. The only people around are bumbfucks with racists t-shirts. (Shocker, I know).

My coworkers are cracking themselves up about the Obamas stealing the furniture, cause, you know, black people...

“My crowd was bigger than Obama’s in ‘09 if you take out the people who were at his inauguration illegally.” - Donald Trump

Nice. As an aside, I am currently sitting across from two coworkers that have nothing but bitch about Obama for the past eight years mutter to each other about how “he’s our President now and people need to get over it.”