Jean Lafitte The Second

Hopefully they’ll charge them with a hate crime. It is definitely a hate crime.

Good point, the alt-right are all white. BTW, I am traveling around the country a lot this year. Can you tell me which cities no longer exist so that I don’t accidentally book a flight there? Thank you.

What is this? Get-Kicked-Out-of-Planes-for-Political-Reasons Week?


At first I thought the star was a hand flipping the bird. That would have been amazing!

Ehhh...sure. Let’s go with that.

Good thing we have a President-Elect that strongly believes in the FDA! Oh wait...

That’s nothing. I’ve been walking for a whole year and still haven’t reached my nokkie destination.

You know how people ask, “If you ever win the lottery, what’s the first thing you will buy”? Well...

This sounds like...*GASP*...a tax on porn!

Dear Republicans: Christian Law is also foreign law.

Human trafficking is wrong and immoral!!!

Although #DumpStarWars was an overall failure, Cernovich is claiming victory because the movie made less money than Force Awakens.

Assange is dead.

I never thought I’d see the day when America is split between patriotic liberals and pro-Russia conservatives, and yet here we are.

Tainted orange.

My hero.

Ehhh...could be worse: Oildale.

The irony is that hipsters displace illegal immigrant families.