But it sounds funnier if I make a sweeping generalization! ;)
But it sounds funnier if I make a sweeping generalization! ;)
We're informed by a manager that the water flights are actually sold out — they've had major interest since the L.A. Times piece
When I lived in San Francisco, there was a guy who sold olive oil at the Alemany farmers market with his little dog. Once I overheard him explaining how the dog ONLY drinks Fiji water.
This is fabulously done, Laura. Perfect snark and lovely manners toward the establishment and staff.
"Garcon! Bring me a flagon of your finest water, and then see what the folks in back will have. Water on me tonight! Water on me!"
The fact that this exists proves that Brett Easton Ellis was right about everything he wrote in Less Than Zero and American Psycho.
This is a creep shot
Well, of course that rule only applies to the ladies. Men? Game on.
I thought y'all were staunchly against creepshots.
I had this happen to me, except it was a stranger. He had seen me on the train station platform (rode the same train every day), and had stalked me through myspace. He had been sending me innocuous messages and I thought he was some far away rando - and that I could handle it. Then one day he said: "I saw you sleeping…
Can we all just agree to get over this breastfeeding in public thing? Please? I'm sure there are still people who are offended by seeing a woman's ankles or a gay couple holding hands but at some point you have to realize the world has moved on and shut the hell up!
I would have to agree.
I keep thinking I'll get to a point when hearing about the Martin murder won't make me so overwhelmingly sad and angry, but I'm not even close. I can't even imagine how his mother and father feel. I would be utterly broken if something like that happened to my child, and then for that filth Zimmerman to walk free? …
You know, while everyone else condemns her, i think we need more women like her, for one specific reason: We've got a lot of crappy politicians to corrupt. Not sure how we could swing it to nail a few republicans but they've got to have a weakness besides screwing womens rights over left and right.
Score! So that means 'feminine products' of all kinds (pads, tampons, birth control ('cause we know that's the ladies' responsibility, right?), make up, dresses, etc) should be tax free because otherwise it's sexist, right?
Weiner might be the biggest dick, but I don't have much respect for women who intentionally go after someone they know isn't available, let alone one who turns around and tries to spin it for money.
I'm just kind of confused by the point of the article? Are we supposed to think she looks bad or old or something in the pic on the right? She looks great.
There is a product that does this. It's called a hat. But it needs to be worn for decades and is purely prophylactic. I guess that doesn't lend itself to advertising.
But you don't understand! That....article of clothing is made of pure, 100% Darwin's Bark Spidersilk, dyed with five fields worth of saffron...three ply! The luster of silk, the rich color of saffron, and a tensile strength greater than steel AND Kevlar, and the flexibility of water, this is The Acme of Garments.…
I guess. For someone who struggles with major addiction. Yes. I understand why a lot of people don't care about her. And I don't really most of the time. But when I see her in public, looking better, sure... I'm impressed. I totally understand if you aren't.