
Even though it was all just a nightmare followed by a misinterpretation, The Wrong Parents made me feel a little like opting in for a therapy session or two. So primal and creepy.

I know. Less lightheartedness, more heavy handedness That's most definitely what this world needs more of. ADOPT PUPPIES. What about the older dogs though? What about the fact that canines are carnivores and like to eat living things? Causing them to bleed and die? Perhaps puppies are Satan. <<tremble>>

Sometimes it reads like The Onion of feminism 'round here.

Her comment that cocaine amps up your ability to drink is absolutely true.

Thank you for the civil discourse and top rate intelligence you brought to this discussion. I appreciated it immensely.

Jaded by gifs. I'm going to try to explain this phenom to my mother now.

Good for you that you've had the opportunity to test the waters! Even with a supportive, hands on husband, the early years left me overwhelmed, underweight and shaken to the core. Having kids is so romanticized - even moreso than romance itself. That said, for me after about age 10 I really hit my stride.

Incredibly hard. It may be filled with singularly doable tasks but the endless blurred exhausted days of shit and string beans can feel pretty damn hopeless. Some days are better than others. Some people are more suited for it than others. It's pretty hard to be Mary Fucking Sunshine on 3 hours of sleep.

Oh I get it. Be an asshole. People will then reply to you. Grey turns black!

You're making me laugh. I'll meet you at recess. We'll figure out our takeover plans behind the portables. Move over, old cabal. The new cabal is in town. Our decoder rings - way better than yours.

No idea. Perhaps each prolific poster is really a cabal. They decide on a communication style, agree to uphold party line on each major issue, pass a wit test, secret decoder rings are then handed out, voila! (I think I'm on to something here.)

Your screen name displays such dignified acceptance. I detest this grey segregation! I digress; men I know can go in to drugstores, load up on Prep H, Maalox and Jock Itch crap without batting an eyelash. The levels of fart acceptance alone are unimaginable to me.

I tip my hat to your superior travel planning! So much of this stuff is internalized; and towards other bodily functions (female specific) as well. I recall in my teens having tons of anxiety about purchasing tampons - what if the cashier was male? The possibility mortified me.

Or as a considerate offer to protect your privacy. It contains a lot more information about what you did the night before than, say, some herbal essence shampoo.


Facebook mostly bores me but the behaviour on there also amazes me. Such as:"If you hate cancer, share this! TIA to all of my true friends." Wtf? Or that one time everyone changed their avatar to a cartoon character to fight pedophilia. Wtf? As someone who participated in society before facebook even existed, there

Hah! I had to re-watch it. Then the veil lifted.

I think you just nailed it.

That's why she's no longer there? I kind of agree with the OP's comments; why do people post daily selfies of themselves? It does seem shallow and vain. The notion of waiting until your pregnancy has passed first trimester before making an official announcement is pretty sensible if you don't want to go through a

Sometimes my fingers have a mind of their own. That's how I ended up on that Brony site that one time.