
I’m not a smart person. But I believe once we all remove ourselves from the left & right paradigm of politics, the framed arguments of all the top media\entertainment outlets like MSNBC\FOX NEWS\CNN etc... we would unite for the most part because the majority of us I believe, know what is right and what is wrong.

Are you a real person? After all the crap that has come out about the Clinton’s as a whole and Trump, you have hope?

Now playing

Pro tip: Stop playing Wow lol. I’m kidding of course. Hope you are enjoying it Mike. I have my own addiction as I can’t stop listening to this Radiohead song...

I bet you never get to read about the countless stories where citizens save lives, including cops because they were armed? You also most likely don’t know that there at at least 2,000 gun control laws (maybe even more) currently in effect.

Keep producing processed crap for our kids to eat and slowly die... thanks Nabisco!

And this is why not defining the word “Terrorist” allows the government all sorts of powers to do as they please. Thanks Bush/Obama.

Some hacker group needs to take this game down. So sick of hearing about it 24/7. Having people run around chasing fake monsters while looking retarded... what happened to simply taking drugs for this?

Seems like a waste of money considering you can play these games on the Wii or Wii-U. But I may be missing something...

I hope they do this for MWII. For me, the MP was the best of the series. Enjoyed the SP for both MWI and MWII. But the MP for MWII ruled!

We are all doomed.

Really? Well... one of my favorite DLC’s for GTV IV was the BOGT.

The game is so amazing! I would wear a diaper or something so that you don’t shit yourself without protection. There are also some jizz moments as well. Seriously, I beat this game once a year. Make SURE to play the nightmare DLC after you beat the game.

Of course she is running. What better way can she seek more attention while wasting her time... “OMG! I can do these two things at once!”.

People are flipping out at an alarming rate. The US has always had tons of guns. Why are people suddenly losing their minds and performing these terrible acts?

So does having a pool in your backyard. Look, this is a terrible story but why are we seeing this type of behavior now on the rise? The citizens of the US have always had guns. Why don’t we spend more time finding out why people are flipping out?

I might suggest changing the title to “Overwatch isn’t very good” ha! Seriously, does Blizzard make great games anymore? Just my opinion of course.

I get what you are saying but, I do think as a society, we keep moving in the direction of a “fear based response” to everything. As a young child I also went on my own little “adventure” without permission. Got my ass beat and learned my lesson. Better you beat you child with love than allowing the world to do it