I agree it’s an exorbitant amount. The worst part is that you know they’re going to make bank with a gofundme campaign after this.
I agree it’s an exorbitant amount. The worst part is that you know they’re going to make bank with a gofundme campaign after this.
And only typically gets trotted out for white people - usually men.
Why isn’t it politically correct to say he fucking sucks at professional football? College football is a different game. No hard feelings, Mike.
They never would have been charged if, you know, the suspect didn’t end up dead. Besides, that’s only “reasonable suspicion” - that allows them to stop him and search, not necessarily arrest. And he didn’t have anything illegal when they searched him. Hence, it’s an illegal arrest.
Yeah. I don’t get the complaints. The citizens are merely asking the cops to DO THEIR FUCKING JOBS and protect the population. No one is asking them to walk around on egg-shells. They’re bitching because they’ve developed a culture predicated on the de-basement and unilateral violence of young black men who can be…
We’re talking about American municipal government. Of course it’s that hard.
Chrissamighty, it can’t be that hard for Baltimore to actually pay its cops, can it?
As a young (late 20s) reporter at a newspaper, I agree that a lot of the Urich character’s dialogue was cringe-y, but for a much more depressing reason than its silliness: This is exactly how late-career newspaper journalists talk, or at least many of those I’ve encountered.
Yep, Daredevil was pretty damn decent. The problem is that it’s being talked up so much I think some folks are going in with the expectation that it’s an actually good show like Mad Men. It ain’t, nor is it trying to be.
Yeah, cuz black and white siblings don’t exist in the real world, amirite?
What?! A movie changed the superficial elements of a character? OMG, that is so crazy. It’ll ruin the character because they’re clearly going to miss the essence of him. I can see why it makes you so mad.
In the regular Marvel Universe, he’s basically a HUGE asshole. Ever watch Venture Bros? Professor Impossible is a great pastiche - a guy too smart for his own good, cooking up plans that end up horrible, outright abusing his wife because she attempts to talk some sense into him. And that’s all happened in the 616 with…
“... the decision to cast Michael B. Jordan as Johnny Storm was the first indication we had that the movie was going off the rails ...”
Do you hear that? It’s the sound of a thousand Gawker followers rushing to install an app that auto-blocks those obnoxious pop-up video advertisements ;)
counterpoint - I’m a conservative and have the intellectual wherewithal to understand that anyone who denies climate change is a soulless lackey, has been living under a rock and therefore unfamiliar with the term, and/or a god damn idiot.
Putting us on notice that another moron will be talking about sports.
i’m sorry, i can’t hear you over your bullshit laden pretension.
Damage control mod right now. $.49 cents.
Oh look how edgy you are! Good thing valve has you on their side! They need your help!
The point is that lots of mods that were previously free now cost money. The game already has DLC. There shouldn’t be ANOTHER thing you have to pay for in Skyrim.
I feel like there's a lot in the time before the recording started that could add to this story.