I Will Not Stop Feeding My Fat Baby

I think you are right that there is a benefit and hopefully a crime deterrent by having a ride record. They can background check their drivers, but the riders are a different question and I’m not sure what they can do. It’s a job with a lot of risks. I know some cabs are outfitted with dividers between the driver and

Uhh, yeah. have you met a white person?

All of this is true but just imagine if he was a black kid and what they would have said to her.

Not to be rude but, lmao. She did say something, she was told to drop it to protect the perp. Brock turner was told on and look at him now. Dr. Ford spoke up and look what happened with her. Countless people spoke out about 45 and look what happened there. 

“It was a joke for (my husband).”

It is baffling that whenever white people like Megyn Kelly engage with race they always choose the lowest gutter viewpoint possible. Why can’t they say the n-word? Why can’t they dress in blackface?

My favorite part of tonight’s interview on Fox was when Brett described when, approximately, he lost his virginity.

Dollars to donuts it’s some shitass sitting in Russia or Eastern Europe getting paid to post that shit all day. They even have one of those roses in their profile, they are trying to cover all the bases.

They gave her all weekend to cook up this story. Friday multiple witnesses were saying she was heard pounding on the door to open up and her keys were still in the front door lock after they wheeled Jean out.

I’m not. This is just stupid, and there are many ways beyond using a potentially lethal device to wake an unresponsive person. This is at the maturity level of me poking my brother in the ear with the end of a broken Hula Hoop to wake him up...when I was 9.

Give me a break, she didn't just secretly photograph the man, she then uploaded that picture. She may not have intended to profit but she certainly intended to harm. I'm glad they're both getting what they deserve, offers for him and scorn for her.

Wait, you mean having pineapple on pizza, or the debate about it?

But silencing voices that spread lies and hate just creates a better world. There are many legitimate conservative voices out there. Getting rid of Alex Jones benefits EVERYONE.

For recording, yes, but the broadcasting has multiple issues, including profiting off someone’s appearance without consent or payment, the risk of misrepresentation, and turning the person into a public figure. All of these were issues in the PlaneBay dustup.

“Hello police? There is a man aligning his chakram in his car which is making me nervous.”
“Is he using the Bikram method?”
“No he seems to be using the modified Sivananda - which is SO wrong.”
“We’ll be right there!”

This almost made me cry when that officer literally turned his back on her.

You don’t care. Fuck off.

Police could end this bullshit real simple, by charging these motherfuckers with making a false call. Simple AF but they won’t do it because they know that jails would be filled with white folks by the end of the month.

What, exactly does a “Value Realization Leader” do...besides think up ways to harass Black folks?