
I love Autohotkey but spend very little time on Windows boxes these days. I wish there was a Mac version. I'd try out TextExpander but the $35 price tag offends me.

@Ashutosh: +1 here. I wish Google would have waited to drop Gears support until they had HTML5 offline Gmail in place.

@Wally Mahar: I haven't had to test this out but I believe you have offline access to your notes that are marked as favorites.

@jbarr: Nice! I like your solution best.

@BlueFiberOptics: Agreed. I just paid for 200GB. Still no subfolder/subalbum support and online advanced editing is extra too?

@Simoniz: Mint can work for Canadians and Canadian institutions (does for mine anyway) once you get past the registration process.

@OMGWTFBBL: I'm a Canadian and a Mint user. It has my banks listed and successfully grabs my account transactions. It's very useful. Once I got past the registration process everything was fine.

@theoneandonlymike: Unfortunately Wesabe is about to pull the plug. They've notified all users to export their data before the end of the month.

@Sterex: Same here. This and alt+tab / cmd+tab; I'm always surprised when people don't know they can switch apps like that.

LastPass has some nice features and can make your life on the web easier. It's good to see it available for Safari users but for some reason it feels less secure to me than some other apps like KeePass and PassPack.

If GoogleCL could trick Picasa into allowing subfolders, that would be _really_ handy.

@CodaMan: No Problem using it with Chrome on Mac dev for me.

For many people, a decent set of stereo bluetooth headphones would negate the necessity for all of these headphone cord hacks.

What I'd like is an iPhone app that I can use with my Xbox 360 when using it as a Media Center Extender.

@MrThunderfield: I agree with you completely. Chromes method makes more sense and is much more intuitive. At least it is to me.

@llegeneanaph: I call BS. I have a Windows Media Center and it absolutely DOES resume movie playback. Any movie. DVD, DVR, avi, XviD, etc.

@TheBusDriver: They aren't listed in the order they finished but in the order they were presented.