
:) Thanks KoKo! Me and your trainers are very proud you can speak now!

A true sucker is one who believes Democrats changed from the racist party they started as, news flash, they like keeping black people in a well-fare state constantly asking for low income handouts instead of feeling empowered. You have a horrible soul, I hope you stop being such a selfish and evil human.

You are a horrible person Yesha.

Yeesha, get a life and stop creating a welfare state through the racist democratic party. While you are at it, re educate yourself on everything. E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. You are the worst of human souls. You fear mongering racist.

I accept your defeat humbly.

Well this article continues to prove media is mindless and fails to understand economics. MAGA.

One last thing... MAGA

more fake hate crimes from white jews? Most likely, look into it guys.

Just send them all home please. PLEASE. Spoiled brats.

A continued waste of time and effort. My what a sad rebuttal to my point of, coffee helps, which is a fact. Anyway, I hope your pointless battle makes you feel better and empowered. Maybe you should focus on things that matter ;) your lengthy rebuttal filled with projections of how I struck a cord with you (“Ah, now

So, long story short, its always the drivers fault regardless of the immeasurable amounts of technology. Please grow up Michael, this is pretty poor projection writing. Release the data Tesla. Upgrade your pedals. Do not tell people “Ultimately when this car (capable of 0-60 in no time) accelerates on its own you have

Stay away from our SAABS. Go away you non SAAB driving douches. Now that our brand is dead and cheap you like them? Suck a big one.

F*** Jalop, you liberal losers. Done with all your shit and gizmodo. Wake up. Peace out, Ill take my shit to a better site.

These are the battles you choose? Really? Its good advice. I drive 26 hours every other week in 13 hour shifts. Coffee helps. It is good advice. Who cares if it is coming from them. Go investigate something that isn’t a massive waste of time. Your placating the government I am sure feels good but, lets do something