Yes, yes it was. I have to admit- I'm a bit sad that it's gone, lol.
Yes, yes it was. I have to admit- I'm a bit sad that it's gone, lol.
Wiki says otherwise, at least since the jet age (none from the prop erawere maintenance related, and were almost all due to the hazards of flying into craphole airports around Alaska).
I think I'd rather see that message in that context than just see the flap with a bite out of it, lol.
Camera, no; audio, yes; and they have video acceleration sorted out now so you can watch netflix and HD youtube. There's really no reason to not put at least CM9 on it, you don't even have to touch your WebOS install. You get a boot menu. And it's really pretty simple to do.
Welcome to wall street, where logic has no place!
That's what I always say..... it's not laziness, it's efficiency!
Agreed, horribly imbalanced (how does that even happen in an MP focused shooter?!) and lack of any distinction whatsoever (IMO, at least) between the weapons (within classes- obviously different classes have differences but that's about it) and their much advertised ridiculous depth of modifications that ended up…
LOL that was exactly my thought! "Man, if only they'd had a red light camera, maybe this guy wouldn't have gotten away with..... oh wait."
Here's the problem..... you know how it's utterly and totally hackable? How the hell are they going to prevent piracy? That aside, what will prevent app developers from simply getting some Amazon storage and managing sales themselves, direct to the customer? Then they pocket the 30% difference.
We spend $711B on the military every year. The DoD has not been able to be audited properly since 1998, which undoubtedly leads to immense waste, fraud, and theft. Question that amount, and the GOP labels you as unpatriotic.
Right, but no one patented this because it's an obvious idea. Using the internet to get travel tickets: done long ago. Using NFC: done long ago. Using NFC as an endpoint: obvious combination of two obvious things. I can't imagine that would hold up in court or if challenged within the PTO. I'm not even sure if I can…
Only partial credit unless they actually show us video from it rolling over.
Why would you have a computer for 3 years?! Your Macbook Pro is SOOOOOO OLLLLD by then! You should have bought a new one, and be looking at another new one by the 3 year mark!
"Colorful" is a great way to put this guy's history..... sounds like he was quite the character from my last visit to the old museum. Rumor has it he only sold one car- the type escapes me at the moment- and he later bought it back. Sounds like an OCD issue to me!
I also use it. Great to use it as a landing page with my gchat built in, since I'm not gonna push IT policy by installing a dedicated IM client. And I don't want Gmail open all day. Oh well, at least I have a long time to figure out a new setup.
Well that's a very good point- I deliberately don't play on Premium servers because I think it sends a bad message too. That said, I also don't see a ton of them, so I have hope.
Honestly, I'd be ok if they made Most Wanted 2 with modern cars, on a modern game engine, with the same exacty premise so long as they also have the super campy cut scenes featuring Razor. He was basically the best thing to happen to NFS. Ever. (Aside from Porsche Unleashed)
Well, it's ok. Who comes to Giz for objective insights into tech news?
Didn't Rockstar do the first Season Pass with LA Noire? Why aren't we directing our hate towards them?