
For some reason, people seem to like the droopy ass design trend that's out there on German cars. The two biggest offenders in my book are the SLS and this, the A7. I'm not a big fan of either one. It's just a sedan with a droopy ass to my eyes, but apparently I'm not as well learned as the automotive press.

I'm pretty sure that the Nords are from Norway. And that people in the Netherlands are called Dutch. Time for a geography lesson!

If they did, they must have missed the part of the game where you get shot and die all the time.

Ah, good point about t-mo. Totally forgot about that minor detail, that's why my buddy switched off his jailbroken iphone for android a while back too. Duh.

Yes, because when you have zero info on their financial situation, it's really easy to play monday morning QB, right?

I hope this fix comes with a big press conference about how other phones have crappy battery life too. That was awesome last year, hahaha.

Ah, got it. Well that's kind of nice of them to do. Thanks for clarifying that though.

Apparently, judging by the comments, I'm not the only person to notice that they've used that for a long time, because I've seen it on multiple cars on top gear.

Sorry, I'm just a bit confused on one point- how does including the maps and making them visible to people who don't pay for them avoid fragmentation? If you don't pay for them, you can't play them, right?

Apparently windows 8 runs nicely on the touchpad. Might be an upgrade path there somewhere....... we can hope, anyway. But I agree, I got my 32 gb from HP finally (last week, only 2 months after I ordered), and it really is much more convenient than you imagine it will be. I figured it'd be a great toy for $149, but

How DARE that stupid bitch stop a citizen going 2x the speed limit for miles after being lit up in a cop car!

Sneaky bastard! :)

Sorry, just have to be a pain in the ass: Libel is written or otherwise broadcast, Slander is spoken. Sounds like this was just slander.

This is like people saying that they love mac because their last PC was crap and broke so many times.

Yeah, I just plugged in the headphones and listened again, and while I can hear what you're talking about, I don't think it's him. Something about the voice is a bit different.

I thought the cops chasing the black guy in the crappy alley was a nod to CJ, but I could be wrong.

If you got in a decade ago, you've done well. But you aren't just a bit curious as to what that $80B cash is doing just gathering dust? That's a ton of dough.

Yeah, it would be interesting if Apple acquired someone that you've heard of, that was definitely not Steve's MO. What happens with that cash will be very interesting, because honestly if I were an investor, I'd be pissed that they have that sitting around. I'd want major dividends since they aren't buying anyone.

That's true, but their problem is that they have insanely rampant tax cheating. There's a difference between tax rates being off and tax rates being right, but blatantly ignored by dishonest filers.

Sadly, this engine still sounds like ass. No crate is going to fix that, tragically.