someone should alert the president
someone should alert the president
If she “honestly thought she was Jewish,” then where did the “Muslim Brotherhood” thing come from?
I like animals. Animals aren’t capable of atrocities or premeditated executions or even war crimes. Those are uniquely human characteristics. MS-13 members are human.
Oh come on Isha, you gotta hand it to ABC here, they really handled this situation fast. I mean, it’s only been 9 years since that Hitler-oven photoshoot.
I gotta hand it to ABC, they handled this whole Roseanne controversy really quick. I mean, its only been 9 years since that Hitler-oven photoshoot.
This is what I’m worried about. It heavily seemed like they introduced Maul to be the big bad of whatever this series of movies ends up being (a solo trilogy/a group of character stories, or whatever), but logically they can’t have that payoff because the star wars universe isn’t being released linearly (or at least…
Sorry to have tweeted incorrect info about you!I Please forgive me! By the way, George Soros is a nazi who turned in his fellow Jews 2 be murdered in German concentration camps & stole their wealth
haven’t you been paying attention this week? They’re not actual people, they’re animals.
Fractals. I touched very briefly on the subject in maybe like 5th or 6th grade, and haven’t let go since. I did a math symposium presentation in college on geometric fractal sequences and what parameters result in convergence/non-convergence and I wasn’t even a math major. The program I wrote to draw fractals is still…
“It’s got elements of Facebook, a little Reddit, a dash of Matt Drudge.”
Where the fuck is his chin?
“Animals kill for survival. MS-13 kills for sport.”
I believe The View was covering Michelle Wolf, probably because her netflix show is coming out in 4 days, and used that opportunity to discuss an event she was involved in recently that received plenty of headlines.
That’s easy. The brown-skinned ones.
Thank you! I just watched this episode last night and was scanning through the comment section trying to find anyone questioning what the point of bugging the DEO was like half an hour before returning to the 31st century. There is nothing to be gained from that!
counterpoint: you’re wrong
He drew the short straw
Tin soldiers and Nixon coming
We’re finally on our own.
This summer I hear the drumming
Four dead in Ohio.
that sounds like an endorsement of carrying hardcover
I find it very hard to believe I haven’t encountered this at a county fair