
Isn’t this type of thinking really short-sighted? They move into these areas to establish a career but then as soon as they start a family they move out to the suburbs. Unless you have replacement tennents to constantly replenish that population, you’re going to have a bunch of empty buildings.

Jesus was all about reaching out to everyone. He hung out with lepers, prostitutes, tax collectors. It’s like these people never read the Bible.

I don’t know. If something is derogatory it’s derogatory. It doesn’t matter who says it.

I imagine that the players will start protesting in other ways, like doing the Black Panther salute after every TD, sack, first down, etc.

I’m going to miss the Browns, they are funny as fuck.

I think in some states it’s illegal to lock the doors while customers are inside. We had to stand outside and turn people away. Some people just ran past us. Management would get mad but it’s not like you can tackle the people.

This is what I saw too. It seemed like no one was expecting rebounds after those failed dunks.

When Kyrie demanded a trade, it was going to be an uphill battle. They’ve done a lot better than I thought they would. But really, how far can a team go when they are changing players so much?

I think you’re wrong. It seem to me that those people that are racist are taught that from their parents. I’m sure that there are areas of the country that are worse. It’s not like I travel or anything, but I don’t think this mentality infects every single white person equally across the country.

If I a cop called to BS like this, I’d do everything I could to fuck with the caller. I’d make them come down to the station to give a statement, then make her wait there for a couple days; I’d confiscate their phone for evidence; I’d give them a breathalyzer test; I’d offer to give them a ride to the station to give

I am dying to hear some of these 911 calls.

I feel for them too. Beside Jordan Cleveland also had Elway beating the Browns three out of four years to get to the Super Bowl.

I’m sure he was in fear for his life.

I’m sure he was in fear for his life.

Cleveland’s weather has been awesome (knocks on wood) for a while now. I don’t know if it’s due to global warming or LeBron or the flat Earth, but the weather has been really nice. Still he dodged a bullet; a REALLY BIG BULLET.

He doesn’t realize how lucky he is that he escaped the Browns. Three years from now he’ll still be in the league.

You have to give your DNA whenever you’re arrested. If they track you by using a relative’s DNA 10 years from now they’ll finally know who killed JonBenet.

I honestly don’t know why these guys don’t do something to get arrested the night before the draft. Sure you may not get to be the number one pick, but if it falls right you could end up on a contending team.

I think for it to be goaltending the ball has to be on the way down toward the basket.

My last job was at a K-Mart which closed. It was third shift and we had a lot of turnover, I’d say we general had 20% PoC. I was a mailman for a few years. I worked in pretty much a black neighborhood and almost all my co-workers were black.