
So if the trade goes nowhere and the Cavs can’t find what they feel is a good enough deal, what happens to Kyrie? Does he just sit out next season?

The Native Americans were screwed. They had just been decimated by some disease that still hasn’t been figured out. I think the unofficial name is Ameripox. But at some point someone was going to bump into the Americas and want to take the lands. The Russians slaughtered the native Alaskans they came into contact with.

IF this happens, which it probably will, then I think that’s going to be it for Trump. I initial thought Trump would make it to the mid-term elections before being run out of office, but things are accelerating, and once his supporters see him going down they will jump ship. I ‘m just not sure if he resigns or if he

Sorry everyone.

And this is a big stupid problem. IF Lee really was against slavery he would have not fought or joined the North. The Neo-Nazi spread these lies in an attempt to whitewash the true 100% evil of a man that is roasting in Hell along side Hilter, Stalin, etc.

Bottom line-the South supported slavery; the North was against it. Yes they probably wanted the Federal government o have less power so that THEY COULD KEEP THEIR SLAVES.

I know there’s probably no way to know, but I wonder just how many statues there are of Lee. I’m starting to think that he out-statues Washington and Lincoln combined. It makes sense-he’s probably the go to statue for the ex-Confederate states.

If Trump give the order, I don’t think the military follows through. In fact I’ll bet the powers that be have already mapped out a plan in case this happens. Some kind of instant impeachment.

So Cantwell is afraid of who killing him? The cops? I find a sad irony in that.

I hate that “state’s rights” argument. I always ask what specific rights they were fighting for.

I can’t believe this guy is President. Don’t we have the right to assembly? Do you have to have a permit to exercise that right?

Aren’t we still paying on the Gateway tax?

What I find extremely odd is that not only did the driver forget or miss seeing him but one of the workers labelled him as being present. If they noticed he was absent and there was no call from the parents calling him sick then maybe the look and find him.

What I find extremely odd is that not only did the driver forget or miss seeing him but one of the workers labelled him as being present. If they noticed he was absent and there was no call from the parents calling him sick then maybe the look and find him.

The temperature was in the low 90's that day. Could the burns be from being unconscious on a hot pavement for too long?

The temperature was in the low 90's that day. Could the burns be from being unconscious on a hot pavement for too long?

1. Is that really an apology?

Maybe we get one win if we go against a team that’s in the process of switching cities.

Maybe he’s a Skrull.

We need some kind of common scene test for police.