
@dtnewcomb44: Hmm....I don't know. I was raised with a religious background so my views are tainted I guess, but the more I learn about science the more convinced I am about God. I don't understand why science and religion can't co-exist.

Sorry, Lost ruined me for shows like this. There's probably a giant cork at the end of this show too.

All these alternate Earths are confuing. DC should have some kind of mini-series, celebrating thier 75th years, that combines all theses Earths into one.

Wow. I thing every other cliffhanger Lost had was better than 'The Incident'. The island disappears. Jack and Kate are off the island in the future. The Others take Walt and leave the raft people in the water. Jack, Kate and Sawyer are captives of the Others as the sky turns purple.

The star of Bethelhem would not have been a comet. They knew what a comet was .

I really hate this mystery. On one hand it really does seem unlikely there could be thousands of creatures living in the woods and have no one run them over with a car by accident or something. On the other hand some of the evidence really is convincing. Some of the plaster footprints have ridges that orient the

I'm having mine out soon. Should I just save them and throw them in the freezer?

@Dorisaurus: I find myself liking stuff everyone else hated, but I really think Heroes just ended up being awful. The main reason I feel was the writing. Hiro, for example, started as this ultra-geek. In the first season we see a future version that's kind of bad ass. But for the rest of the series he never advanced

Is there a site that explains what a trope is? Is this something only sci-fi has? Or would something like an extra-marital affair be a trope for soap operas?

@DrZaius: That's a good point. I guess it would be either time travel or technology that doesn't exist yet since the technology wouldn't exist for that time period, or both. This came from an article about comic books years ago and it got stuck in my head.

I think he was murdered and the culprits moved his belongings to make it look like a robbery.

I can't remember where this is from but these are 6 things that make a story science fiction. If one of this list is in your story it is considered sci-fi.

Put me in the anti-Michael Cera column. Nothing against him but I guess I'm less than excited to watch another movie with him in it.

I would like to see a show come out based on pre-WWII DCU.

They could have Sam and Al's daughters be the focus of the movie. I don't know if this was canon but Ziggy was comprised of DNA from Sam and Al.

Sorry, but the way Lost bottomed out I will not invest in any kind of show like this.

I think the main problems with the majority if these movues is that they were really, really bad.I mean really bad.

What's a trope?

Remember the Man-Thing movie?