What, a girlfriend?
Then the tears of NaruSaku and NaruSasu fans are going to be SO delicious! lol
I'm stuck on 25, and still have only one piece of legendary armor. The stupid Queen's vest from this event which I tried to do 6 times and never got anything except a stupid piece of chest armor every time. I can't get legendary gear for my life and between school and work I'm never on enough to grind. Anyone on PS4…
You're just angry he's not eating it out of a bread bowl.
That was the best part of the game
If you build it, they will cum.
Lol, Batman rides a trike.
Although I'm glad, I am surprised the Ps4 has sold so well.
*insert PC Master Race*
So you're saying I need to buy a dozen boxes of ice cream sandwiches?
Look I understand the illiterate population prefers videos, but really , most of us prefer to read articles...it's faster and doesn't consume as much bandwidth.
"Oh you wanted a car with wheels? Then you should have gone down the street to the luther dealer."