
I still have a couple of those along with other Pokemon toys from my childhood. Remember the Burger King gold pieces?

oh my god

Haha, I love you stopped carin9f839n gm dsfgngi;

I imagined they are in stasis. so statuses that they were afflicted on them wm,l;ekwe

No, officer, that's just my Gamecube! Why, my friends and I just got finished with a rousing game of Super Ston— Super Smash Bros. Honest!


An improvement from this whackjob idea.

Something something Sony something something PS+ something something lolxboxbreakingforfreegames something something death.

pff as if Pokemons were able to kill anything.

This Pokemon will definitely fuck you up...

Good lord Atlus. I love you. I love you so much. I wanna make star children with you.

You're high as a fucking kite aren't you.

To the future!