
Many good ideas here. Free tolls would be huge. I remember how much of a hassle tolls were back when I used to ride, but that was before EZ Pass. Now it’s less of a hassle, but still it should be free for motorcycles. As should access to HOV lanes (which I think they are most places anyway). I’m not sure how I feel

Here’s my glass-half-full take on this: because of hazards like potholes, gravel, and bears, you have no choice but to pay attention to the road when riding a motorcycle. None of that texting bullshit, and lack of attention seems to be the root cause of most modern traffic issues.

I *want* to like this car... but “meh” is it. It needs a manual transmission and a little less electronica acting as a nanny in the driving modes. Alas, Lexus will never again give us a manual, and I fear we’re just going to get more electronic interference in our driving until we all reach the point where we

The first day of driver’s ed. The kid before me got out from behind the wheel in a school parking lot. The instructor told me to back up, back up and turn, go forward and turn, park, and then said, “OK, let’s head out on the road and drive this kid home”. The other kid then says, “I’ve been taking lessons for weeks,

automakers are scrambling to change their mind get paid,

“The loss of the tax credit could complicate the industry’s efforts to meet regulations in California and nine other states that have set targets for sales of zero-emission vehicles, said Wade Newton, spokesman for the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers.”

So basically those of us who like getting great highway mileage for long distsnce driving, VW is letting us hang out to dry.

I forgot snarky comments about commentators being banished to the greys were still a thing.

Soylent is people.

Civil engineers?, experts at designing stuff that travels at 0 MPH.

Jesus, take their wheels...

I found a local Jeep Comanche on CL this morning, too

And/or “with a CVT”

Why am I in the grey again?

Is it a Crossover?

People in their late 30s/early 40s who are retired from state government jobs with full benefits and some percentage of their pay are neither old, nor “being screwed” by an expectation that they continue to work to the same retirement age as the rest of us.

People will buy what they want. Another reason why CAFE standards are bullshit. We need a politician to be brave enough to raise the gas tax but who am I kidding they only get brave when their retiring or dying.

something something tire pressure...

turn into the closest lane. I feel as if i’m the only one who does this.

The answer is, and indeed shall forever be, zipper merge. Go to the merge point, people. Don’t merge before that, you dolts.