
you guys do know that they say 90´s, but i feel like is 90´ish, like in 1999 before the turn of the century

it wasn´t made for terrans to be comfortable, they where cattle for the kree empire to foster to the better inhuman for their war

have you read the books? even on the prologue opening of both the book and the series it shows the claustrophobic nature of space, where have you been?

jeb the motherfucker killer of a whole fucking universe loeb, loved that they went the movie way, love it so much that he pester perlmutter for more money to bring in phil lord and the other guy

most shows are shopped around to “networks” or streaming services, the one shopping the show around are the one producing such show, they got a showrunner, the one with the history or idea about how it will become, archer is a produccion of a 3rd party that kinda sold the rights to Fox, since WB wouldn’t pay for it,

the netflix shows are there to stay for the time being, they just extended a contract to possibly end it at 3 seasons each supposedly, LC has already been soft-green lighted for further production, the same as with JJ, the only one missing is IF whith the new showrunner to see what´s up, and a possible defenders par

if rumors are to be trusted, is disney does swallow the whole of fox, channels like fxx and fx while be gone, or so they say, they do love arche tho, and besides, yeah, it´ll go the way of the disney streaming service, on netflix in the rest of the world

i mean is good (i´m latino don´t get on your white power shit with me), but let´s face it, it´s sorta a reworked ironman one, the same with doctor strange, the difference is that BP has a bunch of females with him, and they got a war on a country that no one knows shit about, so there’s no impact, it´s good tho, could

it wasn´t like that, ICE is something new, from the DHS something new, made on the issue that happen after 911, to fend off middle eastern, but has help you guys to deport mostly latinamerican back to the countries that you made as they are right now, and the reason why most latinamerican flee for a better life, the

same to me XD you guys where build on the blood of foreigners that became citizen to a no law nation, then when the nation had law, more foreigners build the better part of the 20th century and got you guys to where you are, but still, you hate it that people from outside can do more than the people born from

it´s a much better digg.com, that´s for sure, myspace, nah, that shit was about being the emo´s abore the emo´s of all, or something like that

have you ever stop to thing, that all the divisive things that annoy the fuck out of any super uber hyper mega fanboy that still lives on their mother basement or garage came from top suits at disney and not rian nor kat?

there´s this girl, that´s really fucking hot, we fuck a couple of times, but since she´s a bombshell, she even came up on google searches, so if i open facebook, all i see is her post, nothing more, xD, hate when you do follow someone, it´s like, if it´s somehow famous, facebook will only show you stuff from that

facebook is a close internet portal with things that only facebook thinks would interest you, facebook could give two fucks a care for what you think about being connected to someone from singapur, all it want´s is how you like things, like the new McGriddle that McDonald’s is paying big bucks for you to notice, or

Everytime we think of a “Good Villain”, we expect someone that is millions times better than the “Good Heroe”, and we do not look for a villain that in his quest for conquest, hi´s desire is define by not what it means to him, but for the larger picture, what would his quest will accomplish.

rtd made a comment about his ding, not being a dong, supposedly

tony is coming from all the stupidity that happen to him from IM3 and Age of Ultron, cap was coming from Winter Soldier, what else you need for this to have a reason to happen?, those are not self contain movies, those are a comic book spread out years in advance with moving pictures that come to us whenever the

is the fucking US of A, they can do whatever the fuck they want, been doing so since the 1940´s, what change now?, internet, is all everywhere everytime and every single attempt to block it (make the FCC overthrow some open internet rules, then facebook, the tidal of everything), misfired big time, if not ask peña

he kinda did that for avengers xD, he sorta kinda said it so

they’re waiting on ATT, if the sale goes through, some if not all of Turner will be purged out supposedly, CN being the only one left standing, they would basically kill everything else, including adult swim