Has that side character ever been on the show before, he was cracking me up.
Has that side character ever been on the show before, he was cracking me up.
Was that the year Rourke said he would he would eat Penn's ass in an acting battle?
The Revenant was bad enough, but that terrible accent was killing me, I don't even see how he got nominated for that.
Sweet ass!
Glad to see their making music that's better than any of her side projects.
OK, big omission here, Guy Maddin is also involved in this project.
Come on, not even Badlands?
Hey girls, Portlandia already had a man bun character this year.
Where can I read about this real event?
Casting someone other than a bunch of skinny super models would have made it better too.
Transparent is so good it needs to be higher.
I think Little Barrie did the theme, its good to see he is still around.
Thats the song they play on This American Life all the time.
What Mad Men was to cigarettes Vinyl is to cocaine, or something.
Whoa that was incoherent, I must have been drunk.
Hell, I think it would even make a good rapper name.
He should name it Black Narcissist.
Dolan directed that shit video?
Your keeping this but doping Man Seeking Woman, get it together AV Club.