Fugit about it
Fugit about it
I thought I was watching Jerry Maguire for a minute.
Kid N' Play too WTF.
Whoever did the music supervising on this, is ruining this show for me. They did have some good hip hop tracks Kid N' Play aside.
Do you think she listened to Humble Pie back in the day?
The first version of the album that he scraped was better than what he released, he should have stuck with that.
This is like the True Detective of commercials
I would listen to this if it was Teddy Riley instead of Terry.
What the fuck is Antenna TV and how do I get this awesome channel.
Not even one shot of her great ass!
This is awesome news except for the "Penny Dreadful creator" part.
Remember when Adult Swim showed weird shit and was good, I miss those days.
Yeah, Django was pretty bad, this one looks like it might at least be slightly better.
This movie was my shit back in the day, remember they would play it on TNT when Joe Bob Briggs hosted?
I would rather hear his Strokes cover album he made while he was high.
I remember bringing this film up every time someone tried to tell me 500 Days of Summer was a good film that same year.
I didn't really like the Comedians either, but HBO is renewing this?
Why is the lyrics to this shows theme song about getting pussy?
Squirrels to Nuts was a better title.
No Fat City, shame on you.