I thought the same thing, somebody needs to make it happen.
I thought the same thing, somebody needs to make it happen.
I was surprised by the casting of the guy from Idiot Savants.
Last night was two of the funniest episodes Louie has done in awhile.
This episode was great except for the part where they had to resort to the old "buy out" trick again.
Would it have killed them to put one lesbian in there.
That whole duct tape thing was just ridiculous, it shoud be knocked down a letter because of it. Sneaking in and out of the hospital was pushing it too.
Im glad they tackled the "why he hasnt upgraded from a Blackberry" issue.
Whats L.E.S.?
I don't see what everyone is up in arms about, the show is called Mad Men.
And Roger.
I thought the driverless car and the satanists were two of the funniest things the show has done so far.
Garfunkel is a creep in this and the film is just 2 hours of people fighting with each other.
Alrighty then.
A little better than last weeks episode, probably because they didnt end on Green Day song.
I need to see more Mike Leigh, but i really loved this film.
Margot at the Wedding is the only one i havent seen, but i would say this one is probably his worst.
What up hot nerds!
Was that Finn from the Sopranos?
They literally dumb it down so far that at one point Tyson says "we're made of space stuff".
I can just imagine all those people they sent tapes out to, cursing and throwing it in the trash bin.