I actually liked it the first time a saw it, I really wanted to buy a Scion and party with a lot of superficial people I didn't know!
I actually liked it the first time a saw it, I really wanted to buy a Scion and party with a lot of superficial people I didn't know!
I love the amarok... it's basically a toyota shaped car with volkswagen guts... best looking pick-up around!
The hamsters should be fat again... the skinny ones have that douchebag (bieber) personality that most people hate, at least when they were fat they loved to dance so you can't say they had an unhealthy lifestyle
Hilux on the sides
Exactly what I was thinking, the back shape is pretty similar and the headlights as well, just put a nissan badge and would work as a mini X-trail... with soul side windows
You mean this?
In addition to the rugged SUVs and Enterprise-shuttle-looking vans, Gurgel was also very interested in small city cars. They made Brazil's first independently designed and built electric car, the Itaipu in 1975. It could only go about 30 MPH, and only about 20 were made, but still, it was a start. And it looked like…
Mitsubishi is huge in Latin America, Africa, India and some Asian countries... just like Suzuki their only crappy market is the US, but at least they keep trying, don't know why... it's not like they'll go into bankruptcy if they leave the US market, but anyways
Of course not every car coming from europe in general will be slow and economical... and seriously pretty (check some fiats)
Are you saying that french like it small and slow? ;)
Those CMV are slow... but their drivers totally speed them up and drive so shitty! my cousin's been crashed a couple of times by them
First of all... just get out of the street there was a perfectly fine dirt road next to the highway... second, yeah that was pretty scary stuff... and third, well at least he was listened to ellie goulding so he crashed and shit his pants happy
I used to like this little guy... back in the day... when I didn't knew it was so shitty
And instead of hamsters again, can't you just imagine Erykah Badu or Janelle Monae driving down a dark street in a Kia Soul EV, then she turns on some funky music (cut to shot of touchscreen and all the available apps), and as she's driving down the street, each of the streetlamps turns on one by one? And then the…
Stability explanation? bullsh*t, this is pure chicken masturbation... damn germans!
Basically, they're cute in a non girly way and cheap to buy, fill and tax... also maybe the son or daughter of the elder is the one that buys the car for them thinking all of those facts... maybe that's why
Even being cliché I like the new ad... the old one, well I can't find anything coherent in it, I don't know why there's so much hate on Mitsubishi, i mean, I don't give a damn about them, but still I do not find the need to spend all my time criticizing them
I think she was in a hurry and a little crash wouldn't stop her... guess daddy's got more money to buy another one
Yeah... I think she was in a hurry and a little crash won't stop her, guess daddy's got more money to buy another
Looks pretty interesting actually... I don't see it like "go die in mars", is more like, "go live in mars for the rest of your life", I find it less creepy that way :D