I wouldn’t have the balls to sue someone that large.
Nice touch with the serial numbers being the pokédex numbers.
Although I would have added some letters:
VEN-003 (Variable Energy Nexus), for Venusaur
CHA-006 (Combustive Hydrocarbon Armament), for Charizard
BLA-009 (Ballistic Long-range Armament), for Blastoise
Oh please, they’ll be taken down by the federations mass produced voltorb and tyrogues.
I thought that was the Big Zam. Once we breed more of them without the lax incense, we’ll put an end to the Federation once and for all!
Yeah.... I don’t know... I can’t seem to muster the energy to form an opinion on this.
And the Oscar for douchiest academy goes to....................... The Academy....Time to Vape!
Slow day, huh?
These Republocans treat this man like a monkey on a leash. Pleaze Mitch. Confirm the gayest trans queeer judge you cans o we can be done with this trifflin.
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And how many rape kits are still unprocessed because “gosh, we don’t have the funds for that”?
Thank you DeathBySmiley. Scrolled down just to comment on SteamWorld Heist being left off this list, especially since 4 of the above games have already been available in some form or another (Amplitude, EDF, Picross, Turok).
“How we treat the incarcerated reflects on us, not them.”