
Yay. I love this game

This is how it was on destiny and how it will continue to be. This game will continue to grow and expand for at least 3 years just like destiny 1. In destiny 1 I spent 150 total for game, expansion pass and final dlc. 150 for three years and I played the crap out of it was worth it. I easily paid that in a ten mouth

You can enable free movement in the settings so you don’t have to do the teleport thing. Also in the teleport moving mode you can sidestep and hit a button for quick turning.

I’m just hoping going forward that PS5 will support PS4 games as well. Kinds like PS4 pro, even tho that’s a mid generation bump. I’m getting tiredofthis no backwards compatible crap. Good on Microsoft for doing it through emulation but I don’t want it thru emulation. I want the hardware to be able to play the game

I’m just hoping going forward that PS5 will support PS4 games as well. Kinds like PS4 pro, even tho that’s a mid generation bump. I’m getting tiredofthis no backwards compatible crap. Good on Microsoft for doing it through emulation but I don’t want it thru emulation. I want the hardware to be able to play the game

This person gets it. Definitely more of a Zelda narrative than Link. We see her struggles, her pride, her attitude towards Link all change throughout the narrative of the memories. She’s keeping Ganon at Bay for 100 years!!! All by herself. Link just needs to help her defeat Ganon. We just play as link but we are

Good article. And this is why you should always read multiple reviews. One review I read liked it. This one doesn’t. Good balance

I keep inviting people to my Clan Press Any Button. They join and then shortly after they leave!!!! Very annoying. My clan is small and I’m trying to grow it. It caters to casual and hardcore but man I need more people in it lol

If it goes on sale or the price lowers to 30 US dollars I’ll get it in a heartbeat.

I really think games like this shouldn’t exist and I’m surprised women don’t speak up more about this. As a father of a little girl this makes me mad. Especially in the light of all these sexual allegations that are in the news these days the last thing we need is a game that encourages and feeds into that behavior

Once again you write excellent articles....looking forward to your next book. Thinking of making a sequel to Blood Sweat and Pixels?

I enjoyed the game. Hoping the series makes it way to the Switch. Hoping Underground comes to Switch as well too.

But there’s people like me who will pay 60 bucks for it. I bought it on PC when it was coming out and all the dlc so that was a little over 100 at the time. Got the special edition for free on PC. Didn’t buy it for consoles. For paying full price wouldn’t be wrong or bad since it is a good Port and based off special

I’m still surprised this game is getting updates

Ever since the Switch came out, and I got it day 1, I only touch the PS4 to play Destiny 2. The Switch has become my main system and the PS4 has become the casual system which is odd but awesome at the same time lol

Never played the game. Just read articles. But aren’t Heroes OP anyway? And if you buy a game like this don’t you play it a tons? I use to have a lot of time playing games so I could easily unlock a character a week. Maybe it’s to keep people who have nothing but time from getting so OP so quickly. I dunno. It’s

Thankfully the Switch can support a 2tb micro SD card which I’m sure some day we will have. And thankfully they chose to go with micro SD cards and not what the Vita did. Micro sd cards are getting cheaper every month it seems.

This typically happens after a big play station plus lineup. October gave us Metal Gear Solid 5 which is a huge AAA game and usually the next month doesn’t offer high Calibur games back to back. Plus we recently got infamous second son like in August I believe. That’s just from what I remember but facts could prove me

Wow...That’s awesome!!

Only cemented by its amaging sequel Mario Tennis on GBA