
Yes, buying a vehicle for the 1% edge case actually does make sense.

Don’t bring facts into this argument! The faux outrage doesn't look good when it's based on nonsense. 

That is 100% not even remotely true

I like how it is easier to get a gun in this country than it is to vote.

I’ve been around firearms most of my life. I learned to shoot when I was 10 and later spent 20 years in the Navy, where I was an expert shot with both pistols and rifles. That said, I have never, ever felt the need to carry a weapon on me while going about my daily life.

Nobody, not even the “I just want basic transportation” people, make purely rational decisions about cars. When so much, emotionally and financially, is tied up in your car, it’s silly to expect people to make a spreadsheet decision on it.

I don’t think you understand, some segments of the population just don’t have the mental capacity to learn how to obtain an ID.

You know what’s easier? Getting my ballot in the mail & then I mail it back at my earliest convenience. Or, if I’m feeling bold, I drop it off at a drop box built like a safe vault. Then I get an email when it’s been accepted!

honest question here, what exactly is he culpable for? he did the right thing. the bitch pulled a gun, threatened him, and he responded. she broke the law and rules about 6 times in this story...fuck her. 

A registration database doesn’t prove who was driving. I let people drive my cars all the time.

I keep my loaded gun in my toddler’s bedroom. It gives me a bit of time to cool off while I go get it.

She hit him and attempted to run. Its not crazy that someone would attempt to follow you so you dont get away. Its not an overt threat. Lets go through the series of choices she made

Go to the place where voting takes place, show them your ID and vote. That’s it.

I don’t get how voting is so hard?  Go to the place where voting takes place, show them your ID and vote.  That’s it.

Fuck the motorcycle guy. He could have called the police and waited from a distance, or just gone home. The crazy lady is at fault but so is he.”

No worse than the Democrats choosing the idiot we ended up with over some pretty viable candidates.

Stand your ground doesn’t mean you automatically win. It also doesn’t give you cart blanch to do whatever you want and shoot your way out of it. I’m admittedly not up to date on stand your ground as we dont have it in CA but I dont think actively approaching someone not on your property with gun already pointed counts

So showing your ID to the poll worker when you go to vote is too complicated for you?

No, absolutely he’s not; more wanted to point out that this kind of event is the bullshit that’s empowered by “stand your ground” laws.

I’ve never had a problem with either.