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    Elon supports the trucker protest. He’s said so publicly. 

    And people commonly use the phrase “like animals”. It is ubiquitous. How about CNN? Dr. Luc Malemo said that the Congolese men acted like animals. Is he racist? Cooper Anderson didn’t seem to think so. Maybe it’s because he’s white though?

    Acting like an animal is a ubiquitous phrase that has been used since language existed. It is not unique to any race, any time, or any group. It is not a common racial term or slur. It is widely used in the media and literature including many progressive media sources. I can help dispel your ignorance if you’d like. Yo

    Don’t forget Elon Musk. He’s pretty strongly anti-mandate and also supporter of vaccinations. 

    I’m not sure water canons and rubber bullets would do much to a person sitting inside a semi cab. But I guess if they wanted to move them they could try those things. I’m guessing it would just freeze the trucks in place and make it even harder to remove them.

    Protest for your tribe = good. Protest for their tribe = bad. Your reasoning is solid. 

    You just can’t help yourself from confirming exactly what I’m saying. Thank you! 

    You don’t know why. You just think it’s racist. Got it. You could have just said that.

    I hope you realize the perfect irony in your comment. You couldn’t have proven my point any better. And you did it so concisely. You think they’re dumb, they think you’re dumb. You’re both correct. Brilliant!

    So it’s racist because you said so - and you are super woke so you must be right. Got it. No reasoning needed. Makes perfect sense.

    Some of the Jan 6 protesters literally wore animal pelts. They were acting like animals - literally in some cases.

    You’re super duper woke! Good for you. Is it like a superpower that you can find racism anywhere and everywhere?

    I know more people on the right that decry the violence on Jan 6 and more people on the left that say any and all left wing violence including May 2020 as justified. 

    I didn’t say the were actually becoming animals. The saying acting like an animal is not a reference to iycanthropy. The saying “one woman’s animal is another woman’s freedom fighter” didn’t make a lot of sense. It’s about context. 

    Sure seems like it’s a universal. Burning, looting, and obstruction are okay if it’s for my favored cause or performed by my favorite color of people. If the other tribe has a nonviolent protest that is actually effective I’ll lose my shit. Seems to be the standard here.

    One man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter... Take off the blinders. 

    He’s likely smarter than you. 

    Who do you think owns the tow truck companies? Hahahaha. Good luck on that one. 

    Hard to find much punishment for being stuck in traffic. Every one of them has a perfect answer if they’re charged with anything - “I was just stuck in traffic what do you want me to do? I wasn’t part of any protest.”

    I suppose they could loot stores and burn them if they wanted to act like animals. Looks to me like they took the effective part of the riots and left the violence out. Seems to be very effective too.