Bet you’re fun at parties.
Bet you’re fun at parties.
Settle down Pauly.
“Coughing Prevention Machine” gets me every time.
Don’t lump the whole list all together. There are those, such as John Kasich, who saw through Trump’s bullshit and NEVER endorsed him.
Does the NRA advocate that women carry guns to defend themselves from sexual predators whom they endorse for President?
I still wonder which McCain is the real one - the moderate who ran against Bush in the primaries, or the nutcase who emerged after the rise of the Tea Party.
McCain has always been a fraud. The “Maverick” was for suckers.
Remember that 5 minute window back in 2000 when John McCain was regarded as a refreshing change of pace Republican, a straight shooter who even democrats could respect?
Every single one of these cowards knew EXACTLY what Trump was when they endorsed him.
Oh, Ted Cruz. Just when you thought your humiliation was over, things get even worse. You deserve it.
If you don’t want your daughter to hear the word “pussy” maybe don’t let her watch the segment where you’re defending Donald Trump bragging about grabbing women by the pussy. That’s like going on Twitter on a Sunday night and complaining about Game of Thrones spoilers.
Typical left-wing pinko liberal media bias tactics #101: quote people accurately.
Rocket wouldn’t have a friend named Sergio
Is this Rocket McFadden after finding out the Cards missed the playoffs?
Even before he destroyed his friend’s bike, you could tell he’s an asshole.
He got all huffy.
This may be the only occurrence in the history of the world where being identified as a Red Sox fan is a valid defense to being called a whiny titbag.
There are zero Cubs fans on this staff. Samer is a Red Sox fan.