I hated it at first but it has grown on me like the curse in Princess Mononoke; one day it will kill me, but for now it only gives me incredible and frightening strength to defeat my enemies.
I hated it at first but it has grown on me like the curse in Princess Mononoke; one day it will kill me, but for now it only gives me incredible and frightening strength to defeat my enemies.
This transcends “bofa deez” into a true work of art.
Fuck onions, amirite?
Potential Pedophile Pinched by Pretend Poontang - Perp Prepared for Poor Performance with Pecker Pep Pill
“McElyea and Crawford talked for about two and a half weeks before meeting, and agreed Crawford would pay between $50 and $75 for “oral both ways and just straight sex” with the father watching.”
Counterpoint: touch the cars. You won’t hurt ‘em. They will be fine. Get your grubby mitts all over them. Someone can just wipe the prints off later. No harm done.
This may be bigger than we thought. It turns out that there were many early, unsuccessful attempts at this BMW theft scheme worldwide that only succeeded in disabling the turn signals.
I take such accusations with a massive grain of salt, especially when the accusations are against a dead man who cannot defend his honor. Without ironclad proof, I’m disinclined to believe such people are telling the whole story, especially when they only talk about it years or decades later.
This wasn’t a one-night-stand or even brief fling with a minor. He was with Pilchard-Gosnell for 7 years, and probably longer had he not died.
This guy got lucky and started with a stock platform in good condition. Any sub $1K craigslist beater will be its own level of hell for wrenching. It is great to see such a classic car being restored and driven.
Stereotypes can be hurtful!
I was listening to this when cruising 27 in a 30 when someone in a rusty Chevy Citation decided to skip a stop sign. RIP Corrado #1. Great song from what I remember, all I hear is sadness now. I have to skip it when it comes on the Spotifiy.
This Hemholz effect may possibly be mitigated by the addition of a low pressure disturbance behind the window opening. I suggest a small dent in the passenger side rear bumper.
Traffic sucks, so why not start your morning off with some music? You provide the toast and we’ll provide the jams.
Traffic sucks, so why not start your morning off with some music? You provide the toast and we’ll provide the jams.
I give you the Lifetime Forrest Gump award, for randomly encountering important people through history through innocent means.