Greenmobile Supremo Commando, BRZ Extrordinare

Deal. I could use a little Red Green show myself.

We really don't want to deal with him in Canada again...

I just watched it, what a fantastic piece of work.

And to everyone who is shaming Gran Turismo, and claiming that PC sims are better: You're not wrong. But take a second to think about how GT has really changed the car world as a whole. It, and the original F&F movie, are the sole reasons why I got into cars, and why

Hey Jerry!

Have always been a huge fan of your comedic work and Seinfeld. Ever since my dad introduced me to you, I've been hooked.

I just wanted to ask where you got the idea/inspiration to do Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee. It's a genuinely good idea and has been emulated since (Deadmau5 and the like).


I still maintain that the new WRX STI looks the tits. Way closer to the WRX concept than the actual WRX.

I knew it had potential.

What an improvement over the regular WRX... This looks way more like the wrx concept.


What are the odds that I posted the exact same car and I didn't even see your post till now?


I own a silver, 2004 Camry LE V6 and I approve of this picture.

I feel like that's the same with the other 2's work outside Top Gear as well, particularly James: Toy Stories to Man Lab etc.... Really awesome stuff, genuinely interesting.

It sounds cammy on idle... me gusta. The revving? It sounds kinda tinny and rattly.

It'll be coming in RHD for the UK.

Shameless Plug for my redbubble account. Have one on there so far, but I have a ton of designs that will be added tomorrow :)

That Joker & The Thief rip off though...

They've face-lifted this car twice in 2 years... Hopefully they got it right this time.

Tsuchiya-san air humping at 0:38 made me lose my shit laughing.

Oh I know, I'm saying I designed something similar for BS. The always shirt with the NC miata? That was me.