
My understanding – or, rather, maybe just another data point – on the IMS bearings is their lifespan is greatly influenced by engine RPM.

Boxster for nice Miata money. Interesting...

Saw these guys on tour when The Real Thing dropped back in the day (1990 album, 1991 tour). They opened for Billy Idol at an outdoor show in Nowhere, Connecticut, at Hershey Lake Compounce.

That is disturbing and hilarious, in more-or-less equal parts.

Cool Gray Khaki.

My friend in high school, David, had a 1977 Dodge Aspen wagon. It was a lower-spec version, with dog-dish hubcaps, in a sort of metallic bronze with a brown vinyl interior, powered – and I use the term loosely – by the venerable Slant 6, the Leaning Tower of Power. He drove me to and from high school the year before I

A car company run exclusively by Jalops, for example, would probably not survive. 

2004 Matrix XRS 6-speed original-owner, here. 226k miles later, the 2ZZ still zings to 8,200 RPM. Great car, 100% would buy again.

Literally did not know that was supposed to be a Corvette until I clicked through. Think I’ll go build my GT3 RS now.

Torch Photoshop is best Photoshop.

Somebody needs to do a mashup of “Hero” and the Lancia 037 video to the left. The GIF preview is working with every part of this song.

Now playing

I’ve always liked the Nikki French version.

Philosophical question:

My 1995 Mercedes-Benz E320 had a cool trunk light switch. To look at it, you’d think it was just a regular plunger-style switch. Open the trunk, plunger makes the connection, trunk light comes on.

As totally janky as this is – and dear sweet baby Jesus is it ever - it’s still not as janky as David Tracy’s postal Jeep.

Even better if you can use the plane again.

The flash of light you saw in the sky was just swamp gas from a weather balloon trapped in a thermal pocket, reflecting the light from Venus.

No harder than down here.

Volkswagen employed the same idea when the Eos launched. I guess all those valves and the pump and voodoo that makes (made) the top function goes dormant below 38 degrees.

Saw picture of Trump’s head Photoshopped onto a chicken.